Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Linkedin Award and the Press

Things seem to be really moving for the Drinksin team. Learning a lot about what you should say to journalist when they interview. Wondering if being an open book is good or not? Also been told by a colleague that I sound like a nerd. Nerd, Geeks are the new cool.. so join us!

Monday, February 22, 2010

drinksin recognised as one of the UK’s smartest small businesses

Award number 1. So it was great to wake up this morning and receive an email from our head of marketing that, we had won an award as part of the Smarta100.
Mark, Jamie, Lol have worked so hard in the past couple of years, so this is a well deserved award. We have so much happening in the next 6months with the product, that I cannot wait to show people what we will have done.
So lets hope we can gain another award next month. Still looking for votes, to win the European Business Leader of the year, 2010. So please vote here, http://alturl.com/obh7